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Cooperative Learning: Effective Teaching Method for Success

Mboneza Kabanda

Updated: Dec 28, 2023

Team Work -

December 18, 2023

1. Introduction


During the past few decades, there has been an emergence of new instructional strategies. Cooperative Learning is one of the areas that has attracted more investigators. Cooperative Learning (CL) is an approach to instruction that involves small groups of students collaborating toward a shared goal. This strategy promotes active involvement, teamwork, and mutual assistance among group members. Cooperative Learning (CL) is one of the most successfully explored instructional strategies in the history of educational research. The CL Strategies promotes higher order thinking, socially acceptable behavior, and interracial acceptance.


2. Cooperative Learning


Educators typically instruct in a manner that reflects the methodology they were taught, which often entails traditional lecture-based approaches. Nevertheless, a novel paradigm known as Cooperative Learning (CL) has emerged, offering a solution to the notion that the teacher is the sole knowledge repository. A lecture is typically an extensive presentation during which the instructor disseminates factual information in a structured and logically sequenced manner. This approach typically allocates significant time for the teacher’s presentation, as they are considered the primary source of knowledge.


Numerous studies have been undertaken in the field of CL. The CL method is widely believed to be an effective teaching strategy when employed in the classroom. The advantages of cooperative learning extend beyond academic achievement to encompass accountability and social skills development.


In contrast to traditional lecture-based teaching, CL involves using small groups for instructional purposes. By dividing students into smaller groups, this approach capitalizes on the collective potential of the students toward a shared goal. Students support one another in achieving their objectives through collaboration and information sharing. CL method recognizes that each individual possesses valuable knowledge and skills to contribute towards the success of the group and themselves.


CL can be classified into three categories: formal, informal, and cooperative-based group learning. Given the significance of CL, achieving any project without collaboration and interaction with others is increasingly challenging. Therefore, CL is a crucial strategy in today’s era. It is important to note that learning is not done to a learner but rather an active process that the learner engages in. Consequently, learners play a pivotal role in their learning process. CL method users knowledge the learner as an active participant in their training rather than an “empty vessel.”


The utilization of CL efforts leads to the realization among participants that the fate of the entire group is interconnected and that mutual advantage must be sought so that all group members can benefit from one another’s endeavors (your success contributes to my success, and vice versa). In this regard, the CL process is fostered by engaging individuals in social interactions to assist fellow members. This perspective highlights the significance of focusing cooperative activities on promoting the exchange of information and resources among learners. It is also worth noting that cooperative learning differs from competitive situations where classmates are often positioned as rivals.


In their classes, educators regularly engage with learners who possess a diverse array of skills and abilities. To address this challenge, using small group settings can facilitate the integration of students from varied backgrounds into the learning process. Furthermore, in the classroom, students can establish a community of informed peers among their classmates. In essence, the collective sharing of knowledge among individuals holds greater potency, as no single person can achieve success independently.


3. Components of Cooperative Learning


Cooperative learning is a teaching method that relies on several essential components to facilitate collaborative and interactive learning experiences. These components structure group interactions and foster a positive and productive learning environment. The main components of cooperative learning are as follows:


  1. Positive Interdependence: this context refers to a situation in which students recognize that their efforts contribute to the collective success of the entire group. By collaborating in small groups and supporting one another, they can maximize their learning outcomes and enhance their understanding of the subject matter.

  2. Face-to-face Promotive Interaction: Individuals facilitate each other’s success.

  3. Individual Accountability: Although students collaborate in groups, each member is evaluated, and their score is counted towards the group’s overall performance. This arrangement suggests that each person is accountable for their accomplishments as well as the collective success of the group.

  4. Interpersonal Skills: Cooperative learning groups necessitate that students acquire both academic subject matter and the interpersonal and small-group abilities necessary for effective team functioning. It is essential to note that the higher the level of teamwork skills among the members, the greater the quantity and quality of learning that can be achieved. In order to coordinate efforts to achieve mutual goals, students must (a) get to know and trust each other, (b) communicate accurately and unambiguously, (c) accept and support each other, and (d) resolve conflicts constructively.

  5. Group Processing: is defined as reflecting on a group session to (a) describe what member actions were helpful and unhelpful and (b) make decisions about what actions to continue or change. The objective of group processing is to enhance and refine the ability of group members to make valuable contributions towards the collective objective of achieving the group’s goals collaboratively.


4. Advantage of Cooperative Learning


Cooperative learning strategies have numerous advantages and highly benefit students in various educational settings. By implementing these strategies, learners can reap the rewards of increased social interactions, peer learning, the development of transferable skills, and improved learning outcomes. Furthermore, cooperative learning encourages active learning and enhances self-esteem, promoting student socialization.


CL has been linked to several positive outcomes in terms of socialization. Specifically, it has been shown to increase acceptance of academic teammates from diverse backgrounds and improve behavior. Additionally, cooperative learning has been associated with higher student achievement, more positive attitudes toward subjects, and improved student retention. Furthermore, this learning approach has been found to foster high achievement, knowledge retention, and critical thinking skills.


In addition, CL has gained widespread acceptance as a powerful tool for both professional and academic success, yielding substantial benefits in the workplace. Also, it has the potential to foster collaboration between educational and organizational entities, resulting in mutually beneficial outcomes. Furthermore, research has demonstrated that cooperative learning, particularly in the hospitality and tourist industries, can aid students in developing an entrepreneurial mindset and a competitive edge. Moreover, its positive effects on students are widely recognized.


5. Conclusion


Through promoting teamwork, communication, and critical thinking, CL strategies increase the educational experience and impart essential skills for lifelong learning and success in diverse personal and professional contexts. As educators continue their pursuit of progressive teaching methodologies, CL emerges as an effective instrument for cultivating a supportive and dynamic learning atmosphere. Indeed, the evidence supports the notion that CL offer many advantages for students, educators, and organizations, including improved learning outcomes, enhanced social skills, and competitive advantages.



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